
Our widgets are super smart:-)! But please note there are some limitations/recommendations:

  • Please use the javascript code we provide. Changing the code might work now, but we can't guarantee that your widget continues to work in the future.
  • Our Smart Widgets are not real time. A Smart Widget (SW) refreshes on average every 12 hours.
  • Changes to html/css (and other settings) will visible after 12 hours. If you want to see the changes instantly, then please contact to support agent to see if we can upgrade you to a SW Premium account.
  • The Ministars widget is a simple product widget that only displays star average for a particular product. When you add our ministar widgets to a product listing page, please make sure you load all products on page load. AJAX loading of products is not supported by our Widgets.
  • On product listing pages is it advised to limit the amount of products to 100 max. This to prevent delays. If you have more than 100 products on these pages, you should add pagination.
  • Adding schema markup for aggregate rating logo to your SW might lead to stars in Google Organic search. However we can not guarantee. It’s the Google algorithm that decides. Especially after Google’s recent changes (read here), it has become quite a challenge to get the little yellow stars to display in organic search results. We are there to support in improving your chances. Please read more about this here.
  • On rare occasions there can be a CSS conflict between the page where the widget is placed and the SW. These CSS conflicts should be solved by the user of the widget.
  • If you don't want to use the JQuery version that comes with our SW, we can disable it for your SW. Please note that when you use your own JQuery version, we can't guarantee that the Smart Widget will work as expected. Please use JQuery 3 and above.